Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week One of The Weekly Wonder

I wonder how much hoopla there would be in Arizona and in the other US states who have so adamantly taken a stand against "illegal" immigrants if the men, women and children they were complaining so loudly about were white skinned and were from Canada instead of from Mexico, Central and South America?
Just wondering.

I wonder how much support there would be in Arizona and in the other US states that border Mexico
if people who supported the building of a border fence actually knew these facts: border fences don't work, they kill innocent men, women and children, and they are very, very expensive to build and to maintain. Ask the East Germans, the Czechs, the Hungarians, the Poles. And, the people who live on both sides of the Mexican-American border. I wonder about this.

I wonder how much support there would be for "reducing the deficit" if Republicans who currently receive Social Security benefits and are on Medicare, and those who will be eligible in the next few years, understood this fact: their benefits would have to be reduced in order to reduce the deficit by any significant
amount. Those two entitlement programs, defense spending, and interest on the national debt make up the vast majority of the USA's budget. The rest is chump change. Are Republicans really committed to reducing the deficit for the future generations? I wonder about that.

I wonder who will be elected to the United States Senate from Arizona in 2012 when Jon Kyl's term expires?

I wonder who will be elected to the governorship in Arizona after Jan Brewer completes her second term
(and is ineligible to serve a third term)?

I wonder who the Republican nominee for President will be in 2012?

Week Two of TheWeeklyWonder

     If we perceived obesity in a similar way to cancer,  I wonder if there would be as much push back against Michele Obama's program to support healthy school lunches? I wonder if the illness of obesity is perceived as a disease of the  "weak willed"? Or,  of the lower classes? Or, of  "those others"? Obesity kills. Untreated obesity is responsible for a gigantic part of the USA's health care budget, public and private. Just wondering what it is about obesity that has created such a reaction by so many.
     I wonder why there is so much support among conservative Republicans for government research and treatment programs for cancer, but not much support for government efforts to fight obesity? Just wondering.
     I wonder, now that the federal government has decided to 1. drastically scale back the space exploration program,   2. park the space shuttle;  and 3. make no significant commitment of additional resources to a manned flight to Mars or anywhere else, if the "free market" is going to step in to that arena, fully, to develop those scientific areas of inquiry? I wonder if the Russians will put the first person on Mars?
    If the  federal government doesn't "produce anything" as some conservative pundits contend; then, I wonder what the free market will produce in the realm of space exploration? And, yes, I understand that there are already significant expenditures and activities in space from the private market (satellites, proposed tourist flights into orbit, etc.). But, if government doesn't explore the next frontier, I wonder who will?
     I wonder how big the margin of victory will be for Obama's reelection in 2012? And, I wonder how many seats the Republicans will lose in the House and in the Senate in 2012? I wonder who will ultimately be blamed for this debt ceiling game that is being played out right now in Washington?